How to please a woman: After having her house cleaned by a shirtless, handsome man, Gina starts her own male cleaning business.
Talking about sex from the beginning can help the couple have a better sex life, bond the couple more, and help increase intimacy and self-esteem.
Communication with your partner is the key to satisfying sexual relations. Knowing your partners needs will greatly improve your relationship.
We most commonly sleep and have sex in the same location – the bedroom. Less obvious is that lack of sleep and lack of sex…
You and your partner may have different ideas and expectations about sex. Find a calm, comfortable environment for sex without unnecessary irritants.
Clitoris, G-spot… yawn. If you stop at these then you’ll only be two-thirds of the way to giving her what she’s after.
In ancient times, the human body and making love was both admired and encouraged. It was depicted through the mediums of sculptures, ceramics and paintings.
In tantric sex, the act of physical intimacy is not about reaching orgasm but of staying in the moment of intimacy for prolonged periods.
Descriptions of women’s masturbation , especially from 1600 – 1700, are seemingly everywhere: in poetry, literature, theatre, popular ballads, diaries
Teens in Australia are doing pretty well in relation to sex. The findings echo what has been seen in previous versions of the survey over…